Air Conditioning and Vehicle Heating Services

When an air conditioning system quits working, a number of problems can be to blame, ranging from needing a simple recharge to needing a new compressor.

Coolant, or antifreeze, absorbs heat from the engine and disperses it through the radiator. It is also distributed through the heat exchanger in the passenger compartment when you use the vehicle’s heating system. Coolant is usually a 50/50 ratio mixture of ethylene or propylene glycol and water. Over time, deposits that can clog the cooling system will accumulate in your vehicle’s radiator. A coolant flush and fill prevent these deposits and overheating, which is the most common cause of engine damage and breakdowns. It is recommended for most vehicles that antifreeze be changed seasonally, and fluids replaced every 30,000英里. See your owner’s manual for your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations.

Symptoms your A/C or Heating system may need service:

  • Fan or blower is louder than normal
  • Heater, defroster and vents aren’t working properly
  • /C unit has not been serviced consistently
  • Windows fog when defroster is turned on

Our expert technicians will:

  • Thoroughly inspect the coolant/antifreeze system
  • Repair and/or replace any components as necessary
  • Perform ventilation cleaning service
  • …plus much more!

If you suspect your vehicle may be having problems, let our professionals perform a coolant flush on your system. 联系 us today to set an appointment.

Why are properly working Air Conditioning & Heating Systems Service to your vehicle?

An effectively working air conditioning system functions by removing heat from the air inside the vehicle and moving that heat to the outside air. When that occurs, you find that your car is much more comfortable and noticeably less humid. Without properly working components to remove such heat and humidity, many common issues start to occur such as leaks, bacterial growth, among other things. 除了, your heating and cooling keeps your actual engine from overheating and allows for it to remain at a constant temperature. If your heating and cooling system is working incorrectly, your engine could overheat and shut down.

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